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While some used to consider online reputation management the business of corporations or big brands, the dawn of the digital age means that the best way to effectively manage your reputation is online. Make sure your thumb is on the pulse of your online presence by harnessing the power of business reputation management for your brand.

What is Online Reputation Management and Why Should Businesses Invest in It?

At its best and finest, online reputation management is the way you or your digital marketing agency manage your presence and reputation online. Though always relevant to how your brand is seen and experienced by your customers, online reputation management is now simply reputation management; and reputation management is more important than ever for B2B and B2C businesses alike.

Reviewing and responding to reviews the right way

Did you know that 97% of online customers look for businesses online? Of those, 12% report looking up businesses every. Single. Day. As more consumers flock to the internet to get their questions about your business answered, we’ve also seen a rise in the popularity of user-generated review sites, included Yelp, Angie’s List, Amazon, and more. Even employers and professors aren’t above getting negative reviews.

Given the rise of review functions and platforms, managing and monitoring your business’s online reputation is more vital than ever. But who has hours on end to spend poring through review sites? Research has shown that its best to respond immediately to any review, be it positive or negative. To help your efforts, you may consider investing in a CRM or marketing automation software that can help you aggregate, respond, and even generate reviews.

Social media management in the age of ‘seller beware’

There’s no question that the internet has transformed the way consumers vet and decide on the companies they do business with. This shifting dynamic doesn’t have to leave feeling powerless however. The first step in social media reputation management is tapping in to what consumers are saying about your brand.

Your goals should also include identifying and monitoring your brand’s keywords and hashtags in addition to activities of your employees and competitors. While you can use a number free online tools, investing in online reputation management software makes it easy to maintain your reputation on social networking sites, review sites, new sites, and more.

Tracking and managing your online presence for search engines

Depending on your industry, your competition’s investment in digital marketing services, and your own marketing goals, getting to the first page of search engine results can be difficult.

Fortunately, are some white hat tips SEO and tricks every business can benefit from:

  • Make the most of your social media presence for branded queries
  • Consistently publish high-quality, informative content that can rank naturally.
  • Publish and syndicate via guest blogs
  • Make sure your business is listed in high-quality business directories

Step Up and Get Control of Your Online Presence Through Reputation Management

With more consumers, businesses, and investors turning to internet first, online reputation management is more than a buzzword; it’s a necessary investment in your business’s success. Simply know the online reputation management definition isn’t enough. Aren’t you ready to get control of your brand’s online presence?

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