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With the rise in marketing automation software across small to mid-sized to large organizations, the popularity of automatic emailing has emerged as a forefront solution is converting prospective customers into potential clients. These email automation tools can be customized, very prompt, and relevant to the incoming visitor. So, they are more viewed and clicked, converting incoming web visits into optimized revenue-oriented business.

With the help of marketing automation solution problems such as bulk emails, irrelevant emails, spam emails can be averted, giving scope to enhance the ROI. It is all about sending the appropriate message to the prospective customer at the right time.

Benefits of Email Automation Software for the Business

Enhance Transactions by Getting Personal

When digital marketers use email automation tools, it renders customized fields, like the first name of the user and the organization name. It should be as per the information provided by the incoming customers through the email list. Customized emails to the visitor create a great impact in showcasing the brand, while marketing emails having tailored subject lines gets a higher open rate. Again, emails with personalized content have negotiation rates six times more than the general emails.

Create a Bigger Impact with Segmented Emails.

With the help of marketing automation, you can easily segregate the customer’s database into diversified groups, and customize various messages to these groups, depending on the demographics, interests, and purchasing habits of the customer. This assures that the targeted email recipient receives the relevant content aligned with the needs and interests of the user. Besides, for customized message fields, segregating the email list with Email automation tools can prove in highly engaging content. The favored email platform of MailChimp witnessed over 100% of higher click-through rates, and above 14% of higher open rates when it used segregated marketing campaigns for prospective customers.

Revenue with Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are usually automated email messages between the digital marketer and the target customer. These Email automation tools consist of downloading an eBook, purchase receipts, account notifications, newsletter subscription. Nowadays, digital marketers frequently use transactional emails at a very high rate than marketing emails, whereby innovative messages motivate customers for taking the next step towards purchase. A transactional email primarily consists of basic information about the estimated shipping date, which was intended for the recipient or prospective customer. This marketing automation strategy has a great success rate taking business houses to create up to six times more revenue from other email types.

Sync Up with the Customer Purchase Cycle

Among other benefits of email automation tools, scheduling emails helps it to reach the target customers at the appropriate time. Through this automated application, messages for promoting products or services can be sent to a customer, who has already purchased the same item or planning to buy it shortly. So, in this scenario, the marketers are not only required to sell or re-buy the products.

Keep Leads Engaged with Drip Campaigns

The Email automation tools of Drip features a series of automated emails, which are directed to potential leads daily for a defined period. These emails are used for answering the customer’s problems, answering FAQs, showcasing products or services for solving problems, and making leads happy until they agree to purchase the product or service. Thus, drip campaigns have a 300% higher click-through rate and include an 80% greater open rate, than any other marketing campaign.

Thus, you have noticed the benefits of email automation software solutions showcasing proven results of inbound marketing with different strategies to implement the same for obtaining the resultant ROI.

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