Changing to a Cloud Based CRM Could be the Best Business Decision You’ve Ever Made
Technology as a whole can be a big, scary world. I know a lot of people are hesitant to make changes because they fear technology. They don’t fear it to the extent of watching a terrifying horror movie, but people refuse to try it because they don’t understand it....
Educating Customers is Just as Important as Gaining Customers
There are obviously many things that need to be done when running a business. Chief among those tasks is to get customers to buy your product. Many factors come into play with growing a customer base such as various forms of marketing and advertising, a Customer...Make Sure Your ‘Help’ Option is Truly Helpful
The ‘Help’ or ‘Support’ section in most applications tend to have an uncanny ability to not ‘Help’ me in any way or form. I’m sure you folks out there have experienced this and can share my pain. It drives you bonkers, right? Well, it drives me nuts anyway. I hope...What is the Most Useful CRM Software for a Small Business?
If you ask what the most useful CRM software for a small business is, then you’ll get a million different answers. However, opinions shouldn’t really matter unless you have some useful facts to back it up. Otherwise, what good are they? Not much. So, if I...