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What is a Web Form?

A web form is an HTML form on a web page that lets visitors enter their information. A visitor may, for instance, want to subscribe to your company’s newsletter by entering their email address and any other data you wish to collect. This information is, then, sent to...

What is SEO?

SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a process that involves a highly detailed internet marketing action plan to help increase your company’s website rankings within a search engine. These rankings are referred to as...

What Makes Good Advertising?

Advertising can often seem like a hit or miss proposition. Even among the advertising experts, success can be difficult to predict. You see, there’s no established formula that guarantees consistent results. If the professionals have trouble creating effective ads,...

Getting the Most Out of Your CRM System

I recently read an article that explains why so many companies eventually abandon their CRM software. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or changing to a new brand, it’s an issue worth considering before you make a commitment to a new or different application. And if...