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A contact management system usually tracks and stores contact information in a database with universal access. Companies can group the entire information of their potential clients, employees, suppliers. Free contact management software is a kind of customer relationship management tool (CRM). But, contact management software has specific purposes. Whereas, a CRM is a modern tool, much more advance.

Features a free CMS should have!

  • Storage of contacts – Free contact management software bundled with other business utilities, makes it easy to store and retrieve contact information. And search for contacts by name, company, job title, or industry. You can quickly organize customer information. And when you need it, just search for it.
  • Corporate activities – The information in the contact management system is also available to others. Their value will be even higher. So, managers can monitor the productivity of individual sales personnel or the entire sales team. And marketers can measure the effectiveness of marketing activities.
  • Sharing data – When you share your data with colleagues, the capabilities of the contact management system will be further enhanced. But its most innovative feature is to help companies manage their relationships with contacts.
  • Cloud system – You can access cloud-based CRM systems online anytime, anywhere.
  • In office network – Your colleagues can use internal social networks to collaborate, schedule meetings in team calendars. And involve other departments such as customer service, HR, and internal communications.
  • History – You can record past conversations, set up follow-up events for upcoming meetings, link important documents to your contacts, draw contacts on a map, and expand your contact information with customizable fields.
  • Customer centric – You can use the latest information to achieve all of these goals. While updating the information in real time within your company. Therefore, customers will always remain at the core of the enterprise.
  • Built-in easy CRM – With a contact and customer relationship management system, employees can update the latest contact information in the system at any time from a smartphone, tablet or any other network device.
  • Easy access – The other people in the company, who need this information, can immediately obtain the data and access the latest data in real time.
  • Customisation – It can create, manage and filter your data by contact group. As well as create private contacts separate from the contacts application to keep business and personal contacts separate.
  • Business oriented – Nowadays, many sales management and free contact management software have been developing together. And it is becoming increasingly clear to companies that a standardized system that can collect a wide range of business data is the key to business success.
  • Tracking information – By tracking contact information, their interactions with the business, products purchased, products not purchased, and challenges faced, then combining this information to generate a unified view of customer information.

All the company needs to do is to migrate from the existing complex address book to a system that can track the entire customer journey from beginning to end. This data is critical not only to the success of the sales team, but also to the creation of superior customer service.

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