I am sure that everyone has seen at least one scary movie. My favorite is ‘The Birds’ by Alfred Hitchcock. In fact, that movie made such an impact on me that I actually went to visit the school house that was in the film.
Tell me, does your Monday start out as a scary movie? Are you frightened at what you are going to see? Is there nothing to look forward to? It doesn’t need to be that way. You can change it.
The answer; a CRM tool that will prepare you and change the way you think about your job. Imagine going to work and seeing how many people signed up for your workshop. How cool is it that when you left on Friday you had only two people interested in your services, but since you ran that e-mail blast over the weekend, you now have 55. I know I would love coming to work to see that. What’s even cooler is that all this happened while you were golfing and entertaining in your backyard. The icing on the cake is that it only took 10 minutes to set that all up. No application programmer required.
We have a CRM that is the simple, yet that powerful. It works behind the scenes. It is delivering mail to inboxes faster than the postman on steroids. Your CRM should be working for you 24X7. Imagine being able to say that you delivered 10,000 content specific e-mails while shopping.
Now, if I were you, I couldn’t wait for Monday morning to roll around.
Images source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Birds_%28film%29