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The espousal of technological progression is all-important as far as modern marketers are concerned. In the present day, digital marketing automation has turned out to be the fundamental building block when it comes to securing more productivity and efficiency in all your marketing efforts. These two elements are indispensable to bring in continued success. Moreover, digital marketing automation can be crucial to SMEs or startups while they directly enter into competition with large enterprises.

Globally, the market for digital marketing automation software is expected to show a rise to a CAGR of 9.26 percent by the year 2022. In 2016, the market amassed an overall revenue of $3.86 Billion. Furthermore, it’s anticipated to touch $7.63 Billion by the year 2025. The number of vendors in the digital marketing space has gone up from a measly 150 in the year 2011 to a generous 5000+ in the year 2017.

Certain categories of digital marketing automation such as the following constitute a major subset of technology-enhanced marketing.

  • Analytics
  • Campaign Management
  • Email Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Lead Scoring
  • Mobile Apps
  • Reporting
  • Social Media Marketing

Each of these idiosyncratic areas of marketing has been favorably affected by AI, machine learning and predictive analytics. Today, highly personalized content is looked upon as the new holy grail of all digital marketing initiatives.

On the off chance, you still haven’t joined the automation bandwagon the following 5 reasons give you ample cognitive acumen to do so as the year 2020 ushers in.



1. Efficient saving and optimization of time

Recently, the Entrepreneur magazine published an infographic that proved to be unexpectedly enlightening with reference to the potentials of digital marketing automation in saving lots of time. The findings indicated in detail that when you resort to an automation tool you’re most likely to benefit from its use.

Automation tools have been found to significantly reduce the time expended on laborious tasks such as workforce management and content scheduling by almost around 80 percent. Plus, through the automation of important yet run-of-the-mill social media tasks, it’s possible to save over 6 hours per week. This time-saving can be effectively leveraged by doing tasks carrying great weight such as strategic planning as well as problem-solving.

2. Resourceful maximization of your ROI

When you make use of a robust tool that combines digital marketing automation with your built-in CRM system, each of your activities pertaining to sales and marketing will be localized in one single place. All business owners are pretty aware of the fact that the key to fostering lost-standing relationships with their customers is retention.

Through the automation of your lead nurturing actions, you’ll be in a good position to build and cherish important, time-honored relationships thereby achieving the maximization of your ROI without the need for increasing your work output.

3. Getting hold of precious insight related to customer behavior

Digital marketing automation empowers you with the ability of data collection and the selection of a wide-ranging array of channels and sources. These data are used to gain a more profound understanding of customer behavior.

For example, email marketing automation consents you to keep a track of metrics like open rates, click-through rates, responses. Even how well a specific subject line or an email template layout works can be discerned and weighed up. Following the observations so received, you can tweak your strategies to boost conversions. The more optimization you carry out, the more your marketing performance will be in good health.

4. Achievement of more consistency

As far as acquiring maximum efficacy of your customer engagement is concerned maintaining consistency is crucial. Through the delivery of the right message to the right target audience through the right communication channel and at the right time, you can amplify the likelihood of getting more conversions and securing customer retention by leaps and bounds.

Digital marketing automation can lend you a helping hand in pulling this feat off by allowing you with the opportunity of creating micro-level strategies intended for each of the stages of the customer’s buying journey. And by the time you attain messaging consistency, it becomes simpler for you to do prediction and careful allocation of your marketing spends in the long term.

5. Personalization of user experience at a full range of different levels

Even though it may sound like an oxymoron, yet still it’s conceivable to offer customized experiences without the need to focus on an individual customer basis. By means of digital marketing automation, you can create and automatically disseminate messages that meet the distinctive needs of each customer with an agreement based on the customer’s purchasing behavior. When you call upon more targeted messages it implies your odds of conversions, be it a prospect or an old, existing customer amplify to great lengths.

If you’re a business that may perhaps take recourse to generate more leads, improving your conversions, increasing your customer retention rate, garnering favorable reviews, and producing consistently increasing revenue, then the answer to meeting all of these individual needs and taking your business to the highest echelon lies in embracing digital marketing automation as the New Year rolls by.

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