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crm reports and forecasts screen



Paralysis by Analysis? It happens, imagine keeping track of even just 1,000 prospects using an excel sheet. You’ve got a column for contact name, another column for email address and contact date. But as you try to keep track of more detailed notes you start realizing that using your excel sheet and as your Customer Relationship Management system just doesn’t work.

But what about more obscure systems which you might use. What about sales automation and sales reports. Keeping track of detailed reports isn’t even something you could consider attempting with an excel sheet. So if you’re putting down the old school spreadsheet in favor of using a modern CRM software what other feature sets should you start incorporating?

Sales Reports #1

Keep track of your sales activities. You can use Soffront Online CRM to keep track of your total contacts, the lead stage in your customized workflow, the forecasted amount your opportunities will bring in, and conversion rates such as how many leads do you convert into customers. That’s all automatic and visually graphed for you. Using lessor known CRM Sales Automation techniques will keep you from having paralysis by analysis and instead walk away with actionable knowledge that will profit your business.


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