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Scaling an online business requires SEO, a lot of it. If you own a website or an online business, you know what wonders the right kind of SEO strategy can do. But, the entire optimization game is about patience and time. While some websites are able to garner Google’s attention in a short period but others take years and not to forget that one simple mistake and Google can put you in it’s “SandBox“.

When you have been running your website for an extended period of time, preparing an audit can really clear things for you, make you understand where your business stands and the steps you need to take for further advancements. Conducting a Free SEO audit is not tricky but requires some understanding of SEO.

Preferably, an SEO audit should always be done when you start your website and then every quarter, just to know what is your progress. There are websites like https://soffront.com/seo-score/ that do Free SEO audit but at the end of it all, you need to comprehend how it works so that you have a better insight into it. So, we are helping you understand how a general SEO audit functions.

The audit process is like a Nexus, you need to know everything about your website in order to derive crucial information. The first thing you do in your SEO audit process is to try to accumulate all your website data. These include your On and Off-page analysis, Keyword analysis and technical analysis among others.

1. Manual Analysis

The audit should always start with observing your website and finding factors like how user-friendly is your website? It is mobile friendly? It is also important that only one version of your website is available. Not https.www.xyz.com but http.www.xyz.com. The https and https problem is very common and can be fixed by several free tools available online.

You also need to check for robots.txt files to know if all the data that you want to keep away from Google is actually away. You can also check how your website has been indexed by Google i.e where you stand from Google’s perspective.

2. Get Your Website Data

When you have looked into and out of your website and fixed bugs that can be manipulated manually, it is time to do a crawl. An SEO craw will help you with critical data about your website. A lot of tools ranging from $90 – $150 are available on the market but again if you don’t want to put in your money you can also go for a Free SEO audit provider like https://soffront.com/seo-score/.

3. What’s your Rank?

All SEO boils some to one thing, where are you on Google’s search list? If your website has lived for more than 3-5 years a good SEO strategy should have resulted in you on the first page. But if you haven’t, it isn’t too late. There are numerous strategies like PR, guest blogging and other content marketing strategies that can be applied.

4. On-Page SEO & Correct backlink.

Are you describing your images on the website? Have you used keywords in the content on your website? Are the H1 and H2 tags short and attractive? There are some fundamental On-Page SEO strategies that you need to apply in order to optimize your website. You should also check your website’s backlinks are not broken. If they are fixing it with either redirecting to another live page or leaving a 404 error code can be used.

5. Analyze Traffic

A big part of the audit is also to understand where your audience is coming from. Simple tools like Google Analytics and Moz help you get an undertaking of your audience, where are they coming from and what content they like the most. Using this data you can find form strategies for your next quarter or year.

So, Get a Free SEO audit today and plan a better quarter for your business.

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