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The New Non-SEO SEO

You’ve heard it for years, how important SEO is for your company.  Without it, your website and your brand will supposedly sink into the deep, dank depths of internet obscurity.  But the big problem with SEO these days is figuring out exactly what to do.  Go ahead and...

Looking at Customer Service as Marketing

Have you ever considered customer service as marketing? Marketing is often considered to be synonymous with advertising. But is it? Is there more to marketing than print ads, broadcast ads, and direct mail? Websites and social media are often simply used as digital...

Best Books for Marketing – a Top 5 Review

Regardless of their chosen field, practitioners should have on their bookshelves (or in their e-readers) several must-reads that pertain to their profession. So what are the best books for marketing? Here are five essential books for understanding and practicing...