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Drip Campaign

What is a Drip Campaign?

Drip Campaign is defined as an advertising method where a business sends a series of emails or other communications repeatedly over a period of time.

In a typical drip campaign, the advertiser transmits emails to a customer according to a predetermined schedule. A marketing automation tool can, with schedule preferences submitted by the user, automatically generate and send the emails.

The marketer also, with customer information and preferences entered by the company staff into a CRM system, offer themes and content specific to the customer rather than generic messages resembling spam. The emails may provide updates on the business’ events or new products or services or brief tips. A drip message usually ends with a reference or link to a website for more information.

Drips Marketing is analogous to a farmer’s use of drip irrigation, applying water on a metered or automatic basis to ensure the least amount of water possible – given the conditions and need – is used to nourish crops.