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I do not like spam, Sam-I-Am. I would not like it here or there. I would not like it anywhere. I do not like spam. I do not like spam, Sam-I-Am. My clever pun aside, that should be how you feel about spam because that is exactly how just about everybody else in the world feels about spam. Do not spam. Engaging in spam is like laying cash on the table, lighting a match, and dropping it. Some people don’t know that they’re actually spamming somebody. It’s not totally their fault because there is a significant group of people who aren’t wise to the ways of email. I have put together a list of 10 things that you should absolutely not do when sending out email blasts. Not doing these ten notorious email marketing transgressions will make your investment into email marketing worthwhile.

  1. “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” – Alan Lakein

Email marketing is not any different. You need a start point and an end point, with a concrete objective and outline. Use online marketing automation tools to help you plan out your emails.

  1. Don’t spam.

Using spam will lead to no sales, ROI or brand recognition. The marketing email will just end up in the junk box. It is out dated and beyond annoying. There is no quicker way to alienate a customer base.

  1. Spray email marketing is a no no.

A lack of application of custom niche words to the right consumer segment will lead to wasted resources as a function of low ROI. In other words, use your marketing CRM software to segment and tailor the message to each customer base.

  1. No universal landing page.

The content of the landing page needs to be relevant to the recipient. How does the landing page relate to the recipient’s needs? Remember, this landing page should be tailored to the specific recipients. An IT consulting firm shouldn’t have a landing page about sports memorabilia.

  1. Don’t forget to sanitize your list

Use that great CRM tool you have to remove those who have unsubscribed, and the bounce backs. This will improve overall numbers when tracking your results.

  1. Less is more, more is less.

The more you put into the email content, the more you will create confusion, and therefore lesser return. Don’t over crowd your email.

  1. Do not mislead.

This is a surefire way of not achieving your objective. Just show what you have.

  1. Don’t forget to recheck and test.

Check to make sure your content is relevant. Also, check the landing page to make sure it is up to date. Do the links work? Mistakes happen, so be smart and minimize them. When in doubt, test it!

  1. Don’t make it one dimensional.

The emails, contents and the landing pages must be dynamic i.e. can be opened up at a desktop, tablet or mobile device. Optimized mobile browsing is a must these days. Google will bury you otherwise.

  1. Don’t forget to track your Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

This will help enormously in knowing where to improve, and where to apply your scarce resources. Use a CRM that will provide you with online customer reports to track the results.


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